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Physical Therapy After a Car Accident: A Proven Approach to Recovery

Recover from an auto accident quickly by working with a professional physical therapist in Brooklyn, NY. Contact Metro Healthcare Partners to start your healing journey. 

Just because you walk away with a car collision without serious injuries doesn’t mean that you’re out of the woods. Seeking physical therapy after a car accident is the best way to heal from any soft tissue injuries and other damage to your musculoskeletal system. Metro Healthcare Partners offers physical therapy in Brooklyn, NY and is here to explain why every car accident survivor needs this treatment plan. 

Common Car Accident Injuries Physical Therapists Treat

According to the National Safety Council, car accidents cause 5.2 million injuries among Americans, including critical and minor injuries. Some of the most common injuries that survivors sustain include:

  • Broken bones
  • Whiplash
  • Bruising
  • Muscle sprains
  • Spinal cord injuries

Greater health risks occur in people 65 and older. Research from the Boston University School of Medicine finds that seniors involved in a car crash have an increased risk of suffering a heart attack between the 30-day and 180-day follow-up period. That same age group has a higher risk of stroke 180 days after their initial hospitalization for their accident injuries. 

Getting physical therapy after a car accident helps you heal from minor injuries as well as surgeries to treat more severe injuries. Physical therapists target the affected parts of your musculoskeletal system to strengthen your soft tissue and improve your quality of life. 

Physical Therapy Methods That Heal Car Accident Injuries

A minor fender bender could leave you with whiplash, while a more serious collision could result in some broken bones. No matter what type of injuries you sustain, a knowledgeable physical therapist will try several techniques for improving your health. Your visit to a physical rehabilitation clinic can include the following methods for pain relief and muscle strengthening:

  • Hot and cold therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Bodyweight exercises
  • Soft tissue massage

Say you’re experiencing stiffness and pain in your neck due to whiplash. A physical therapist can massage the area or use a combination of ice and heat to relieve pain and inflammation. Once they reduce tension, you can move on to strengthening exercises that increase the range of motion in your neck. 

Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Clinic The Significance of PT After an Auto Accident

Some demographics don’t see the benefit of physical therapy because of a lack of information resources or not having the time to receive treatment. However, physical therapy after car accidents, surgical operations, and other incidents can lead to a 71% improvement in symptoms, according to a study published in Cureus.

The biggest components that make physical therapy a successful treatment option include:

  • Pain management: You’ll work on the root cause of your musculoskeletal pain rather than masking it with medications. 
  • Mobility: A car crash could leave you with a broken leg that leaves you immobile for several weeks. Physical therapists focus on restoring your mobility so you can get back to your normal routine. 
  • Range of motion: Walking or getting dressed can be difficult if an accident decreases the range of motion in your joints. Experts use safe exercises to increase joint strength and flexibility. 
  • Balance and coordination: Facing a head or spinal cord injury in a car crash could disrupt your balance and coordination. Physical therapy involves exercises that help you keep your balance when sitting, walking, and standing. 

It’s best to begin physical therapy after a car accident to prevent complications from your injuries that may lead to chronic pain or a long-term disability. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 20% of Americans suffer from chronic pain which interferes with their daily activities. Working with a dedicated physical therapy team enables you to live pain-free after an auto accident.

Personalized Treatment Plans That Help You Meet Your Goals

How long does physical therapy last after a car accident? The answer ultimately depends on the extent of your injuries and the time you can devote to your healing. Every patient has different timelines, but healthcare professionals take a personalized approach to achieve the best results. 

If you’re experiencing whiplash symptoms following an auto collision, a few weeks of physical therapy sessions could provide relief, but rehabilitation after receiving surgery for accident injuries can take several months. Your healthcare team will monitor your progress with each session and increase the resistance of different exercises as you gain strength. 

Consistently attending physical therapy after a car accident can speed up the healing process so follow the recommendations of your healthcare provider. Your physical therapist will likely give you at-home exercises to perform between sessions so you can continue to improve your strength and mobility outside of the clinic. 

Receive Superior Treatment From a Licensed Physical Therapist in Brooklyn, NY

Get back on your feet quickly after a car accident with the help of Metro Healthcare Partners. Doctors in our free directory specialize in treating car accident injuries with a safe, compassionate approach. Reach out to begin your healing journey with physical therapy after a car accident. 

Doctors listed in our directory accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available. Call (718) 874-1204 to request an appointment with a professional physical therapist in Brooklyn, NY. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common questions patients have regarding physical therapy. 

Is Physical Therapy Safe?

Yes, physical therapy is safe for most patients and doesn’t involve any pain medications or invasive procedures. 

When Should You Seek Physical Therapy After a Car Accident?

You should begin physical therapy within 48 to 72 hours after an accident to prevent worsening injuries and symptoms. 

How Long Does Physical Therapy Last After a Car Accident?

Physical therapy may last as little as two weeks or up to six months or longer depending on the type of injury you sustain. 

Now that you know the importance of seeking physical therapy after a car accident, learn how to find a doctor after an auto accident in Brooklyn. Get tips for finding healthcare professionals to help you. 

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