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How Ultrasound-Guided Trigger Point Injections Improve Accuracy and Pain Relief

Ultrasound-guided trigger point injections are an effective medical treatment for chronic pain management that works by directly targeting the causes of musculoskeletal pain. 

The process zeros in on myofascial trigger points, or tight knots within muscles. With advanced ultrasound guidance, physicians address root problems with greater precision. This improves patient outcomes in many cases while reducing complications that often accompany blind injection techniques.

In this guide, Metro Healthcare Partners, the leading provider of effective pain management in Brooklyn, NY, discusses the process and its benefits.

Understanding Trigger Point Injections Performed by Your Back Pain Doctor in Brooklyn, NY

Trigger points are often highly irritable knots in muscle tissue that cause localized and referred pain. These painful areas form from muscle overuse, injuries, poor posture, and stress. When untreated, trigger points can contribute to aggravated conditions like myofascial pain syndrome and chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Trigger point injections relieve pain by delivering a local anesthetic injection, sometimes combined with corticosteroids, directly into the trigger point. When applied with precision, medication helps to relax the muscle, improve blood flow, and alleviate pain and poor mobility.

The Advantages of Ultrasound Guidance

Traditional trigger point injections are often performed blindly, relying solely on palpation, which involves manually feeling the muscle. This method includes the risk of missing the target area and incomplete or ineffective pain relief. 

Ultrasound-guided trigger point injections add precision by allowing the physician to visualize the underlying muscle structure, nerves, and blood vessels in real time.

Studies have demonstrated that ultrasound guidance enhances the precision of needle placement. A 2008 study demonstrated the usefulness of ultrasound in confirming proper needle placement within the musculature. 

A 2019 pilot feasibility study involving 41 patients with trapezius myofascial pain syndrome found that ultrasound-guided myofascial trigger point injections significantly improved pain relief under numerous objective metrics.

Additionally, a 2022 systematic review reported significant pain reduction in patients receiving TPIs with local anesthetics compared to placebo, with improvements noted at two to eight weeks post-treatment.  

Key benefits of ultrasound-guided trigger point injections include:

  • Improved accuracy 
  • Enhanced safety by avoiding nerves and blood vessels  
  • More effective pain relief  
  • Minimized discomfort 
  • Reduced need for multiple injections 

Who Can Benefit From Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Trigger Point Injections?

Leading candidates for ultrasound-guided trigger point injections include patients suffering from persistent muscle pain that does not improve with physical therapy or oral medications. Some of the specific conditions that respond well to TPIs are as follows:

  • Chronic musculoskeletal pain, including neck, shoulder, and back pain 
  • Fibromyalgia, characterized by widespread muscle pain and fatigue 
  • Tension headaches stemming from trigger points in the neck and shoulders 
  • Cervical myofascial pain syndrome, which affects the neck and upper back muscles.
  • Sports injuries causing muscle knots due to overuse or trauma 

When To See a Pain Management Specialist

Are you experiencing persistent muscle pain that interferes with your daily activities and has not responded to conventional treatments? Consider consulting an expert in pain management in Brooklyn, NY. 

You might want to discuss any of the following with a qualified physician: 

  • Ongoing muscle pain that does not improve with rest or physical therapy 
  • Pain that worsens with movement or prolonged activity 
  • Referred pain patterns like headaches that originate with neck tension.
  • Prolonged muscle stiffness and reduced range of motion 

The Ultrasound-Guided Trigger Point Injection Procedure: Step-by-Step Guide

Chronic pain management doctors follow a strict protocol when providing these types of treatments. 

Patient Evaluation and Preparation

A qualified neck and back pain doctor in Brooklyn, NY, will conduct a thorough medical history and physical examination to identify existing trigger points. 

On the day of the procedure, nurses position the patient comfortably, and the doctor cleans the skin with an antiseptic solution.

Ultrasound-Guided Trigger Point Injections for Precision

The doctor places a high-frequency ultrasound guidance probe over the affected area to painlessly create a real-time image of the muscle. Then, the doctor locates the precise trigger point and marks the site.

Injection Process

Next, the doctor guides a thin needle into the muscle using active ultrasound guidance for accurate placement. The doctor may elect dry needling or inject a local anesthetic injection, like lidocaine, with or without a corticosteroid based on your needs. When pain is nerve-related, the doctor may use peripheral nerve blocks.

Post-Injection Care

The doctor may apply gentle massage to distribute the medication. Doctors typically advise patients to avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours and use ice or heat for local soreness. 

Choose Metro Healthcare Partners for Pain Management In Brooklyn, NY

Metro Healthcare Partners provides state-of-the-art pain management solutions, including joint injections for pain relief and other advanced therapies. 

Our expert team includes board-certified pain management specialists, chiropractors, orthopedic surgeons, and physical therapists. We deliver a multidisciplinary approach customized for each patient when treating musculoskeletal pain.

Our doctors accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available.

Our ultrasound-guided trigger point injections provide an innovative, precise, and effective solution for managing chronic musculoskeletal pain. Contact Metro Healthcare Partners at (718) 550-2056  to schedule an evaluation today in Brooklyn.

FAQs About Ultrasound-Guided Trigger Point Injections 

These are some of the questions patients often ask about ultrasound-guided trigger point injections.

How Soon Will I Feel Relief After the Injection?

Some patients experience relief within a few hours after the injection, while others may notice improvements over the next few days as the medication takes effect.

Can I Combine Trigger Point Injections With Other Treatments?

Doctors often combine trigger point injections with physical therapy, chiropractic care, and rehabilitation programs for comprehensive pain relief. Your doctor will discuss the ideal comprehensive care plan for your situation.

Can These Injections Help With Post-Surgical Pain?

Ultrasound-guided trigger point injections can be beneficial for post-surgical patients experiencing muscle spasms or residual pain from scar tissue affecting muscle function.

Can Ultrasound-Guided Trigger Point Injections Treat Nerve-Related Pain?

Ultrasound-guided trigger point injections can help relieve nerve-related pain, especially when combined with peripheral nerve blocks. These injections may help reduce irritation caused by muscle tension that compresses and irritates nearby nerves.

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